A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Paasche indices. See indices

Parallel markets, 10.22

Partnerships, 2.23b, 2.40b, 2.76d, 2.95, 2.99, 5.95a

incorporated -, 5.92c, 5.95a

Patented entities (AN.221), Annex 7.1

See also intangible non-produced assets

Patients, 2.10c, 11.08a

Payments of compensation, 4.136-137

Pension funds, 2.64, 2.66-67

See also net equity of households in pension funds reserves; adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

Pension schemes

defined-benefit -, 6.27b, 7.59

money-purchase -, 7.59


accounting -, 3.59, 3.76

base -, 11.35

Permits and licences, 3.76-77, 4.79-80

Perpetual inventory method (PIM), 1.09, 6.04, 10.53


technical assistance -, 11.07-08

Physical deterioration, 3.118

PIM. See perpetual inventory method


economic -, 1.04, 1.23

monetary -, 1.04a, 5.21

Political parties, 2.88a

Pollution, 1.19, 1.21

subsidies to reduce -, 4.37

taxes on -, 4.23

Population, 11.04

active, 11.10

present (de facto) -, 11.09

total -, 1.67, 11.05-08

Portfolios. See investment portfolios

PPP. See purchasing power parities

Precious metals and stones (AN.131), Annex 7.1

See also valuables


issue -, 5.138, 5.140a

redemption -, 5.138

Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (AF.62), Annex 7.1

transactions in - (F.62), 5.114-119

valuation, 7.60

See also insurance technical reserves


and quality, 3.124, 10.15-23

basic -, 1.25, 1.54, 3.48

c.i.f. -, 3.138

constant -, 1.25d, 1.56

current -, 1.56

definition, 10.13

economically significant -, 3.19

fluctuations in -, 3.124, 6.47

general price level, 1.46, 6.47, 8.57, 8.59

issue -, 4.45, 5.138e, 5.140a

market -, 1.51

price discrimination, 10.20-21

purchasers' -, 1.54, 3.06

redemption -, 4.46a, 6.51

strike -, 5.67a, 5.139a

Primary distribution of income accounts (II.1), 8.16-29

Produced assets (AN.1). See non-financial produced assets

Producer units

and employment, 11.17

sector classification by standard legal description, 2.94-101, Table 2.3


categories, 2.20, Table 2.2

for own final use, 3.25

See also output for own final use

market -, 2.94-97, 3.24, 3.31-32, 3.37

See also output (market)

market -/- for own final use/other non-market -, 3.66, 9.20

other non-market -, 3.33

See also other non-market producers

private -, 3.28-31

private/public -, 3.28-29, Table 3.1

public -, 2.23c, 2.40c, 3.37

not recognized as independent legal entities, 2.97, Table 2.3

recognized as independent legal entities, 2.96, Table 2.3

Production (activity), 3.07-09

See also output (result of activity); products


account (I), 3.03, 7.06, 8.10-14, Table 8.2, 10.88

boundary, 1.13, 3.01, 3.07-09

Productive activities, 3.31, 4.35, 11.10, 13.30

Products, 3.01

input/output, 2.103

of agriculture, hunting and forestry, 3.58

regrouping and coding, Annex IV

valuation, 3.05-06

See also transactions in products

Property income (D.4), 4.41, 5.18

Property income distributed to insurance policy holders (D.44), 4.68-71

See also property income

Provisions for bad debt, 4.165f

Purchased goodwill (AN.223), Annex 7.1

See also intangible non-produced assets

Purchasing power parities (PPP), 10.70-71

Purchasing power, 6.43, 10.06-07, 10.55