Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (F.62)

5.114 Definition:

The sub-category prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (F.62) consists of all transactions in prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (AF.62) that is technical provisions established by insurance corporations and (autonomous and non-autonomous) pension funds for:

  1. the amount representing that part of gross premiums written which is to be allocated to the following accounting period (prepayments of insurance premiums);
  2. the total estimated ultimate cost of settling all claims arising from events which have occurred up to the end of the accounting period, whether reported or not, less amounts already paid in respect of such claims (provisions for outstanding claims).

5.115 Prepayments of insurance premiums result from the fact that insurance premiums are, in general, due to be paid at the start of the period covered by the insurance, and this period does not normally coincide with the accounting period itself. Therefore, at the end of the accounting period when the balance sheet is drawn up, parts of the insurance premiums payable during the accounting period are intended to cover risks in the subsequent period. The prepayments of insurance premiums are determined on the basis of the proportion of the risks involved in relation to time for the period remaining to run until the contract expires.

In the financial account, the prepayments of insurance premiums recorded between policy holders and insurance corporations consist of those parts of the premiums that are payable in the current accounting period and that are intended to cover risks outstanding during the following period.

5.116 The prepayments of insurance premiums are financial assets of the policy holders. If these prepayments relate to life insurance, the policy holders are resident or non-resident households. If they relate to non-life insurance, the policy holders may belong to any sector of the economy or to the rest of the world. The insurance premiums or social contributions paid by the policy holders may be taken as the criterion to distribute the prepayments of insurance premiums among the sectors of the economy and the rest of the world.

5.117 Reserves for outstanding claims are hold by insurance corporations in order to cover the amounts they expect to pay out in respect of claims that are not yet settled, for example, because they are disputed. Valid claims accepted by insurance corporations are considered due for payment when the event that gives rise to the claim occurs, however long it takes to settle disputed claims.

5.118 Reserves for outstanding claims are financial assets of the beneficiaries that may belong to any sector of the economy or to the rest of the world.

5.119 Sub-category AF.62 includes provisions for unearned premiums, other technical provisions, claims outstanding and equalisation provisions as defined in articles 25, 26, 28 and 30 of Council Directive 91/674/EEC of 19 December 1991 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings.