A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W

Numbered references refer to chapters and paragraphs. References in brackets refer to the various ESA classifications (see Annex IV).


Accounting (rules of), 1.48-60

accounting periods, 3.59, 3.76

balancing items, 1.60

complete set of accounts, 2.12

consolidation, 1.58

double/quadruple entry, 1.50

netting, 1.59

terminology, 1.49

See also valuation; time of recording

Accounting framework. See European System of National and Regional Accounts

Accounting matrix, 8.103

properties, 8.126-132

See also matrix presentation of accounts

Accrual basis (time of recording), 1.57, 4.50

Accumulation accounts (III), 1.49, 8.04, 8.44-59

other entries in -, Annex 7.2

Acquisitions less disposals of

intangible fixed assets (P.512), 3.105b, 3.114

intangible non-produced assets (K.22), 6.12

land and other tangible non-produced assets (K.21), 6.09, 6.11

non-financial non-produced assets (K.2), 1.33, 6.06-13

non-monetary gold, 3.126

tangible fixed assets (P.511), 3.105a

valuables (P.53), 3.125-127

Acquisitions of non-financial assets account (III.1.2), 8.49, Table 8.11

Activity, 2.103-104

auxiliary -, 1.13, 3.12-13

main -, 2.20, 3.10

secondary -, 1.29, 3.11

Actual final consumption (P.4), 3.81-88, 8.36, 8.40

collective (P.42), 3.83, 8.40

definition, 3.81

individual (P.41), 3.82, 4.38j

time of recording and valuation, 3.97-99

total -, 3.88

valuation, 3.97-99

Actual social contributions (D.611)

accounting, 4.95, 4.97

by self- and non-employed persons (D.6113), 4.92

compulsory - (D.61131), 4.94e

voluntary - (D.61132), 4.94f

compulsory/voluntary -, 4.93-94

employees'- (D.6112), 4.92

compulsory - (D.61121), 4.94c

voluntary - (D.61122), 4.94d

employers'- (D.6111), 4.92

compulsory - (D.61111), 4.94a

voluntary - (D.61112), 4.94b

time of recording, 4.96

See also social contributions

Addition to the value of non-produced non-financial assets (P.513), 3.105c-d

See also gross fixed capital formation

Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8), 4.141

accounting, 4.144

time of recording, 4.143

valuation, 4.142

Aggregates, 1.66-67, 8.88-99, 10.01-03, 10.06, 10.10, 10.65-66

and economic policy, 1.04a

fluctuations, 10.02

monetary -, 5.21, Annex 5.1

national/real income -, 10.60

regional - by industry, 13.18-29

synoptic presentation, Table 8.1

Agriculture and forests, 1.13c, 3.58

See also farms

Allocation of other primary income account (II.1.2.), 8.29, Table 8.5

Allocation of primary income account (II.1.2), 8.21-29, Table 8.4

Antiques and other art objects (AN.132), 3.126, Annex 7.1

See also valuables

Appearance of assets. See economic appearance of assets

Assets. See economic assets

Assets/liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, 7.31

Autonomy of decision, 2.12

Auxiliary financial activities, 2.32, 2.39