Price and volume indices for other aggregates

10.10 In addition to the price and volume measures considered above, the following aggregates can also be decomposed into their own price and volume components. The objectives for these measures vary.

AN. 12

Stock of produced fixed assets

AN. 11

Compensation of employees


Inventories at the beginning and at the end respectively of each period may have to be calculated at constant prices in order to estimate the volume change in inventories during the period.

The stock of produced fixed assets has to be calculated at constant prices to estimate capital output ratios, as well as to obtain a basis for estimating consumption of fixed capital at constant prices.

Compensation of employees has to be calculated at constant prices for purposes of measuring productivity and in some instances also when outputs have been estimated by using constant price data on inputs.

10.11 Compensation of employees is an element of income. For the purpose of measuring purchasing power it can be valued in real terms by deflating with an index reflecting the prices of products purchased by employees. Other income elements too, such as disposable income of households and national income, can be measured in real terms in the same general way.