Currency (F.21)

5.38 Definition:

The sub-category currency (F.21) consists of all transactions in currency (AF.21) that is notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments.

5.39 Sub-category AF.21 includes:

  1. notes and coins in circulation issued by resident monetary authorities;
  2. notes and coins in circulation issued by non-resident monetary authorities and held by residents.

5.40 Sub-category AF.21 does not include:

  1. notes and coins that are not in circulation, for example, a central bank's stock of own notes or emergency stockpiles of notes;
  2. commemorative coins that are not commonly used to make payment.

5.41 All sectors and the rest of the world may hold currency. It is issued by the central bank, central government, the rest of the world, and in exceptional cases other monetary financial institutions. Currency is deemed to be a liability of the issuing institutional unit.