The industry

2.108 Definition:

An industry consists of a group of local KAUs engaged in the same, or similar, kind-of-activity. At the most detailed level of classification, an industry consists of all the local KAUs falling within a single class (4 digits) of NACE rev. 1 and which are therefore engaged in the same activity as defined in the NACE rev. 1.

Industries comprise both local KAUs producing market goods and services and local KAUs producing non-market goods and services. An industry by definition consists of a group of local KAUs engaged in the same type of productive activity, irrespective of whether or not the institutional units to which they belong produce market or non-market output.

2.109 Industries may be classified in three categories:

  1. industries producing market goods and services (market industries) and goods and services for own final use ;
  2. industries producing non-market goods and services of general government: non-market industries of general government;
  3. industries producing non-market goods and services of non-profit institutions serving households: non-market industries of non-profit institutions serving households.