The input-output framework

1.68 The input-output framework consists of supply and use tables by industry, tables linking the supply and use tables to the sector accounts and symmetric input-output tables by homogeneous branch (product).

1.69 Supply and use tables are matrices (rows of products, columns of industries) showing how the output of industries is broken down by type of products and how the domestic and imported supply of goods and services is allocated between various intermediate or final uses, including exports. The use table also shows by industry the structure of production costs and the income generated.

The supply and use tables are the coordinating framework for all tables by industry and (or) by product, which include data on labour inputs, gross fixed capital formation, stocks of fixed assets, detailed price indices and thus describe in detail cost structure, income generated, employment, labour productivity, capital intensity.

1.70 It is possible to link the supply and use tables to the sector accounts by cross-classifying output, intermediate consumption and the components of value added by sector and by industry.